Core Fruition

WWDC 2012 Photo Walk Wrap-Up

The WWDC 2012 Photo Walk sponsored by 500px was a huge success! We had an incredible turnout that, quite honestly, blew me away.

As a last minute surprise we had the fine folks from Speck come out to demonstrate their upcoming CandyShell Focus case for iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S. To cap it all off they handed out a bunch of them to the attendees. I’ve had mine on my phone since the walk and I love it. I’ll admit I don’t do too much photography with my phone, but I have found myself using the stand for FaceTime calls and just for standing up the phone on my desk. If you’d like more info on it you should get in touch with Erica on Twitter @2bmighty, and tell her @MrRooni sent you. (Not for any good reason, but let’s be honest, it’s just fun to end a sentence with, “tell them I sent you”)

We also had the guys from MacPhun show up and very generously offer a free license to their new photography product, Snapheal, to everyone who attended. If you went on the walk and you’d like a copy of Snapheal just send an email to me (michael [at] this domain) and Alex Tsepko (atsepko [at] macphun) with your favorite photo from the walk. I haven’t actually had a chance to try it out yet, but I heard from a few people on the walk that use MacPhun’s other photography products and love them.

As you know, for those that participated in the walk, the editors at 500px are going to choose their two favorite photographs from the walk and upgrade those photographer’s accounts to Plus and Awesome. All you have to do is upload your photos to your 500px account and tag the photos with the tag wwdc-photowalk. The last day to upload your best shots for a chance to get your account upgraded is Thursday, June 21st TODAY. You can find my shots in a set on 500px here: WWDC 2012 Photo Walk sponsored by 500px. If you’d like to see all my photos from WWDC you can find them here: WWDC 2012

I know I mentioned it above, but we really did have a great turnout. So good in fact, that people are already asking me to organize one for next year. To that end I’ve created a new Twitter account dedicated to the walk: @WWDCPhotoWalk. You should follow that account for any and all info on the next walk.

Thank you to everyone who came out, you all exceeded my expectations, and I’ll see you next year.