Using Bezipped is as simple as dragging, dropping, and watching Bezipped handle the rest.  When your files have been compressed just click the spyglass to reveal it in the Finder.

Bezipped creates files that are 100% compatible with Mac OS X, so you can send your archives to friends, family, and colleagues without them needing to install special software. If you’re sending your archives to folks on Windows, they can use 7zip to open your archives too.


Better equipped for better compression.

Using Bezipped

Bezipped is a file compression and archive utility built on top of the bzip2 command line tool that comes with Mac OS X.  In general, Bezipped creates smaller archives than those generated by Finder’s “Compress” functionality.  Couple that with the fact that Bezipped also allows you to create “Windows safe” archives (archives without the dreaded ._ files), and the ability to put archives where you choose, and you’ve got a one stop compression shop.

Keep Bezipped in your Finder’s toolbar or your Dock for easy drag and drop access.

Included Technologies

Bezipped uses Sparkle, developed by Andy Matuschak, to keep itself up to date with the latest releases.

Bezipped is also Growl-enabled, allowing it to tell you exactly when it finishes archiving your files.

System Requirements

Requires 10.5 or newer

Runs on both Intel and PowerPC™ Macs


If you’ve got some ideas on how to improve Bezipped please shoot an email to michael at fruitstandsoftware dot com.

Download Version 1.0Bezipped_files/Bezipped.tbz

Bezipped is free and will always remain so, but if you feel like sending a couple dollars my way, please use the PayPal button above to do so. Thanks!